Chants for Peace

Chants for Peace is a gathering that proposes joining our voices in chant to promote peace and wellbeing in ourselves, in order to be able to spread it to the world. We will chant various mantras and a song or two to connect with our deep inner peace.
Chanting in community is a powerful act and can help us to regulate our emotions, our mood, and our mind —in addition to having benefits for our health. Singing together, we enter a sort of communion and the vibration of your voice is made stronger by joining with the voices of the group.
This event is open to everyone (no previous experience needed!).
We ask for your help spreading the word so this event can reach everyone that might be interested.
Practical information:
Next session: Friday, April 14 at 7pm in Happy Yoga Barcelona en C/ Bruc 7 (metro Urquinaona). Feel free to bring something for the altar if you wish, and something to share as a small snack afterwards.