Gāyatrī Experience

Let's celebrate the autumn equinox! 🌞
Transmission of the Gāyatrī mantra, kīrtan,
dinner in the garden, and Indian market
The autumn equinox is an auspicious moment to chant the Gāyatrī mantra. This prayer, from the 3rd mandala of the Ṛgveda, is one of the oldest prayers in continuous use today — it has been chanted for at least 4.000 years of continuous use. I will explain the context, meaning, and pronunciation of this famous mantra, also known as the Sāvitri mantra. We will learn this Vedic mantra and chant it together.
Afterwards, we will do kīrtan with other songs, and have dinner together in the garden. You can check out the things I brought from Kashmīr and the south of India in case you want to take a piece of India home with you.
Let's make the most of the energy of this time of year to sing and share together! It will be a powerful and enlightening experience.
This event is open to everyone (no previous experience needed!). The gāyatri mantra workshop, kīrtan, and dinner are included.
Please help by spreading the word so this event can reach everyone that might be interested!
Practical information:
Saturday, September 23, 6pm at Casa Verde Barcelona, Ptge. Alt del Turó, 24, 08041 (Guinardó). Bring what you would like for the altar!